Next date: Sunday 23rd April
BoxPark, Croydon, 4-8pm
It's our 6th birthday!!!!
We will be hosting a special event, not just because it's our birthday, but also to remember the life of Stephen Lawrence who was murdered 30 years ago this month.
We will be donating 100% of the ticket sales to the Stephen Lawrence Day Foundation to keep the great work done in Stephen's legacy going. To find out more about Stephen's story or the Foundation's work visit https://stephenlawrenceday.org
That's not all, we have more! Adidas have given us some prizes to give away on the night so keep an eye out for those.
We'll also have our incredible DJ's playing a variety of music as well as some guest headliners.
This is going to be a night to remember, we hope you can make it.
Lastly, if you know of anyone under the age of 18(ish) who would like to give DJing a try. Our Partnership with Stephen Lawrence includes a 2.5 hour DJ Workshop, each ticket includes a free Adidas Tshirt as well as free entry to our Super Sunday birthday celebrations which happen straight after.
All money raised from ticket sales from the DJ workshop will also be donated to the Stephen Lawrence Day Foundation.